Ouyang Lab

New paper & graduation
April 2020
Avery Grant has a new paper in GCE from her Master's on hormone levels across space and time. A huge congratulations to this year's graduating seniors, who are missing a proper celebration of their achievements, honor's thesis defenses, and family gatherings. We are so proud of you!
New paper published
July 2019
We published a new paper in Proceedings of the Royal Society B showing that both genetic and plastic components are important for the development of the glucocorticoid phenotype. Urban phenotypes are both a result of genetic and foster environments. Thanks to previous lab members Scott Davies and Crystal Munguia.
May 2019
Valentina Alaasam was just awarded the NSF GRFP! Avery Grant successfully defended her masters thesis! Jen Heppner received the Edwards fellowship. Paul Macaballug graduated with distinction, awarded NURA and Tri Beta. Kelsey Kjer received the Moose Award and Mickey Negash, a McNair scholar, was awarded the NURA.
ALAN in the news
Feb 2018
Jenny and Davide Dominoni recently co-organized a symposium at SICB in San Francisco, CA on behavioral and physiological adaptations to urban environments. With a great line-up of speakers, this symposium was featured in Science and Science News. We also recently published a review in JEB about artificial light and hormonal mechanisms.
Student awards
May 2018
Valentina Alaasam won the three minute thesis competition for her public talk on light pollution and stress. Her recent paper has just been published in the J of Exp Zool. Also, a huge congratulation to our graduating seniors! Jeanette Liou was named Westfall Scholar 2018. You can read where our amazing seniors are headed here.

November 2017
The Ouyang lab is part of the team of researchers receiving funding from the Center for Integrative Neuroscience, funded by a NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Award, led by Dr. Michael Webster. The center was awarded $10.6 million for five years to support Phase II.
New paper published
November 2017
Our first lab paper from UNR has been published in Biology Letters. Listen to the interview with Jenny about it here on KUNR/NPR. We find that urban house wrens do not raise their glucocorticoid levels when hearing traffic noise but rural house wrens do.

NSF grant awarded
October 2017
The Ouyang lab was just awarded an NSF grant to look at the epigenetic mechanisms underlying the stress response. Dr. Ouyang will be collaborating with Dr. Bridgett von Holdt at Princeton University.
Conference ISBE
August 2016
Jenny just attended the 2016 ISBE meeting in Exeter. She presented on some new data from the light on nature project. Tali Hammond did a great summary drawing of Jenny's talk.

New papers out
May 2016
It's been a busy 2016. A review about GC action and evolutionary outcomes has come out in Advances in Behavior. In the world of tree swallows, two articles led by Dr Dakin explored begging behavior and plumage coloration, and a third about oxidative stress and GCs as part of the symposium Hormones as Mediators of Evolutionary Phenomena. For light on nature, artificial light at night in the lab and in the field make headlines.

Grant awarded
July 2014
Dr. Ádám Lendvai and a team of international researchers have been awarded a grant from the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund to study the bearded reedling. More details will follow after a group meeting this fall.